abelia - [hebrew] sigh, breath

abigail - [hebrew] my father is joyful

abilene - [english from hebrew] grass

acacia - [greek] thorny

acadyah - [greek] idyllic place

ada - [german or turkish] noble, nobility, or island

addah / adah - [hebrew] adornment

adelaide / adelheidis / adelvice / adelice - [german] noble, nobility

adelpha - [greek] beloved sister

adora / adorabelle - [latin] adored

adriana / adrianna - [latin] man of adria

agacia / atka - [variation of agatha, greek] good woman

agnes - [greek] pure, virginal

ailbhe - [irish] noble, bright

ailis - [scottish gaelic] noble

ainslee - [scottish] one's own meadow

aisling - [irish] dream, vision

alana - [feminization of alan, irish; variation of ilana, hebrew; gaelic; hawaiian] handsome, rock, oak tree, child, awakening

alanis - [irish] handsome, cheerful

alba - [latin] white

alessia - [italian variation of alexis] defending warrior

alexandra / alexandria / alexa / alexia / aleska / aleksa / alastriona - [greek] defending men

alizee - [hebrew] joyful

akilah - [arabic] intelligent, logical

alcyone - [greek mythology name] kingfisher

allaire - [french surname] cheerful

alienor - [french]

alina - [slavic] bright, beautiful

alline - [variation of adelaide, german] noble, nobility

alouette - [french] lark

alma - [latin] nurturing, soul

alva - [english form of irish ailbhe] white

amal - [arabic] hope, inspiration

amalfi - [italian place-name]

amandine - [french, diminutive of amanda] much-loved

amara - [igbo, sanskrit, arabic] grace, immortal, tribe

amelia - [german] work

amory / amorie - [german] industrious

amoret - [literary name]

anahita - [persian] immaculate

anastasia / natasa - [greek] resurrection

andromeda - [greek mythology name] advising like a man

andora - place name

angelissa - [italian, polish, russian, dimunitive of angela, form of angelica] angelic or angel

aniko - [hungarian form of anna or annika] grace

anja - [russian variation of anna] grace

anna - [variation of hannah, hebrew] grace

annabelle - combination of anna and belle or french form of amabel] loving

anne - [french variation of english ann and hebrew hannah] grace

anneliese / annalisa - [german, dutch] grace + oath

annelore - [german] grace + god is my light

annemieke - dutch variation of anne-marie

annael - [hebrew] the grace of god

annika / annick / anninka / anice / anis / anezka - [variations of agnes] pure, virginal

annistyn / anniston - [english surname and american place name] anis' town

annora - [latin] honor

anona - [latin] corn, grain

anoush - [armenian] sweet

antonette - [french] priceless one

antonia - [latin] from antium

anya - [russian diminutive of anna] grace

aphrodite - [greek mythology name] foam or born from the sea

apolline / apollonia - [french]

aprilette / april - [latin] to open

aquilia / aquilina - [latin] eagle

arabella / arabelle - [latin] yielding to prayer

arantxa -- [basque] thornbush

aravis - [literary name and place-name]

arcangela - [greek] high ranking angel

ardis - [scottish-irish] fervent

arianell - [welsh] silver

arista / aristella - [greek or latin] the best; ear of corn

Arlette / arlet - French; spanish and catalan variant "noble, honor

artemis - [greek mythology name] safe, butcher

arwen - [welsh] noble maiden

arza - [hebrew] panels of cedar

asta - [norwegian] divine strength

astra / astara - [latin] stars

astrid - [scandinavian] divinely beautiful

atarah - [hebrew] crown

athalia - [hebrew] the lord is exalted

athanasia - [greek] immortal

atlanta - [place name]

atria - [star name, latin] entry hall

aubrey / aubrette - [english from french version of german alberic] elf ruler

audrey - [english] noble strength

audriana / audrianna - [english] noble strength

auli'i - [hawaiian] dainty, cute, neat

aurelia - [latin] golden one

aureole / auriel - [latin] gold

aurora - [latin] dawn

autumn - season name

avalon - [celtic] island of apples

azalia / azale - [english] flower name

azha - [persian] the breeding place

aya - [japanese, hebrew, arabic] colorful, bird, sign


bambi - [diminutive of bambina, italian] child, baby girl

basha - [yiddish, variant of batya] foreign woman

barbara / barbro - [latin] foreign woman

batya - [hebrew] daughter of god

beata - [swedish, German, Italian, from latin] blessed

beatrice / bea - [latin] she who brings happiness

beatrix - [latin] she who brings happiness, blessed

belinda / lindie - [spanish or german] pretty one; serpent

bella - [diminutive of isabella, italian] beautiful

bellatrix - [latin] female warrior

belle - [short form of isabelle, french] beautiful

bernice / berenike - [greek] she who brings victory

betsan - Welsh pet form of Elizabeth bevis - [french] from Beauvais beverly

bianca - [italian] white

binnie - [celtic] crib, wicker basket

birdie - [english] bird

birgitte - [anglicized variation of gaelic brighid] strength or exalted one

blair - [scottish] dweller on the plain

blossom - [english] to blossom

bluebell - [flower name from english] blue bell

bluma - [yiddish] flower

bohemia - word name

bonnie - [scottish] beautiful, cheerful

branwen - [irish] blessed raven

bree - [irish, from brid, brigh, brigid] strength or exalted one

brenna / brynna / brynne / brinna - [feminine form of brennan] descendant of the sad one

bridget - [anglicization of gaelic brighid] strength or exalted one

brighid - [gaelic] strength or exalted one

britannia - [latin] britain

brooke - [english] small stream

brynn / bryn - [welsh] hill

bryony / briony - [latin, flower name] to sprout

buffy - [english] dweller near the beaver stream


calanthe - [botanical name] christmas orchid

calvinette - [latin]

camellia - [flower name, from czech surname] kamel's flower

camille - [french] young ceremonial attendant

carlotta - [italian variation of charlotte, french diminutive of charles] free man

carmody - [irish] descendant of cearmaid

cassiopeia - [greek mythology name] cassia juice

catherine / katherine - [greek] pure

cecily / cecilia - [feminine variation of cecil] blind

celeste / celestia - [latin] heavenly

ceridwen - [welsh] beautiful as a poem

ceres - [latin] nourishment

cerys - [welsh] love

charlotte / caroline - [french, feminine diminutive of charles] free man

chloris - [greek] pale

cia / cynthia - [greek] moon goddess, woman from kynthos

ciannait - [irish] ancient

cipriana - [greek] from the island of cyprus

circe - [greek] bird

clara / clairy / claire / clairissa - [latin, french] bright, clear

clo / chloe - [greek] young green shoot

clarimond - [french] light of the world

claudia - [feminine variation of claude] lame, enclosure

coco - [spanish and french] pet name

coline / nicoline - [feminine variation of colin, german, english, from greek]people of victory, girl

colombine - [latin] dove

concordia / concorde - [latin] peace, harmony

constance - [english version of latin constantia] steadfastness

cora - [greek] maiden

corbin / corbyn / corbynn / corbynne / korbin / korbyn - [english and french surname] crow, raven

cordelia / cordia - [latin, celtic] heart, daughter of the sea

corinne / corrine / corinn / coreen / coryn / corynn - [french variation of greek korinna] maiden

corisande - [greek] chorus-singer

cosette - [french literary nickname] little thing

cosima - [italian feminine variation of cosmo, greek] order, beauty, universe

clianthe / cliantha / cleantha - [greek] glory-flower

cyra - [persian or greek] sun or throne, or lord


dagmar / dagna - [norse] day maiden

dagny / dagne - [scandinavian] new day

dahlia - [flower name, from swedish surname] dahl's flower

daisy - [diminutive of margaret or flower name, english] day's eye

damara - [greek] gentle girl

damia / damienne - [greek] spirit

daphne / daffy - [greek] laurel tree, bay tree

darcy / darcia - [irish or french] dark one, or from arcy, or from the fortress

daria - [feminine variation of darius, persian or latin from greek] kingly or possess well

deirdre / deidre / deidraIrish"sorrowful

deborah / dvorah - [hebrew] bee

delaney - [irish] dark challenger, dark river

delia - [greek] born on the island of delos


delyth - [welsh] pretty and blessed

demetria / demeter - [greek] earth mother

desdemona - [greek] ill-starred

diamanta - [greek] diamond

diana / diane - [latin; french] divine

dixie - [latin, french] have spoken, tenth

doe - [english] a female deer

dolly - [english, diminutive of dorothy] gift of god

dolores / lola - [spanish] lady of sorrows

donata - [latin] given

dora - [greek] gift

dorothea / doroteya - [greek] gift from god

dusana - [slavic] spirit or soul

duska - [english; czech] twilight; soul

dusya / nadia - [russian, arabic] hope, tender, delicate


eachna - [irish] horse

easter / eastlyn - [english, from german]

edana / enya - [irish] fire

edelweiss - [german] flower name, noble white

eden - [hebrew] place of pleasure, delight

edith - [english] prosperous in war

edurne - [basque] snow

edwynna - [feminine form of edwin] wealthy friend

eilidh - [gaelic form of eleanor]

eirian - [welsh] silver

eirlys - [welsh] snowdrop

eithne - [gaelic] nut kernel

elaine - [french and scottish] bright, shining light

eleanor / elinor / liorit - [english variation of french provencal alienor]

elestren - [cornish] iris

elfre - [english, form of alfreda] elf power

eliza / elizabeth / betty - [hebrew] pledged to god

elizabella - combination of eliza and bella

ella - [german, english] all, completely, fairy maiden

elle - [french] she

elodie - [french, variation of alodia, german] foreign riches

eloise - [french and english variation of heloise] healthy, wide

elowen - [cornish] elm

elsbeth - [german variation of elizabeth] pledged to god

elula - [hebrew] female form of elul, month name

eluned - [welsh] idol, image

elysande - [english, germanic] temple path

emmeline - [old french form of archaic german amal] work

enid / enyd - [welsh] life, spirit

eowyn - [literature] horse lover

ersa - [greek] dew

esmarie - [english] loved, esteemed + drop of the sea, bitter, or beloved

esmeralda - [spanish and portuguese] emerald

estelle - [french] star

esther - [persian] star

etana - [hebrew] strength of purpose

etta - [english and scottish] poetry

eudora - [greek] generous gift

eugenie - [french form of eugenia, greek] wellborn, noble

eulalia / laia - [greek] sweetly speaking

euphemia - [greek] fair speech

eurydice - [greek] wide justice

evadne - [greek] pleasing one

evangeline - [greek] bearer of good news

evanthe - [greek] fair flower

eve / evicka - [hebrew] life

evelyn / evleen - [english from grench and german] desired, water, island

evony / evonne - [french variation of yvonne]

evora - [portuguese place name] yew tree


fabienne - [french variation of fabia] bean grower

faine - [english] joyful

fairuza - [arabic] turquoise

faline / faeleen - [latin] catlike

farah / farrah - [arabic] happines

fauna - [roman] young deer

faustine - [latin, feminine variation of faust] fortunate one

fawn - [nature name] a young deer

faye - [english] fairy

felicity - [latin] good fortune, happy

ferelith - [scottish] true sovereignity

ffion - [welsh] foxglove

fia - [irish or portuguese or italian] wild or weaver

fiadh - [irish] wild

fiammetta - [italian] little fiery one

fiona - [scottish] white, fair

fionnuala / nuala - [irish gaelic] white shoulders

fiorella - [italian] little flower

flavia - [latin] golden, blond

fleur - [french] flower

flordelis - [Latin] fleur de lys

florence - [latin] flourishing, prosperous

florine - [french] flourishing, prosperous

forsythia - [flower name, from english surname] forsyth's flower

fortuna - [latin] luck

freesia / fresia - [flower name, from german surname] freese's flower

fuchsia - [plant and color name]

freja - [swedish and danish] lady, noblewoman

freya - [norse] a noble woman

freyja - [old norse variation of freya] a noble woman


gaia - [greek and latin] earth mother; rejoicing

galatea - [greek] she who is milk-white

gemma - [italian] precious stone

genevieve - [english from french] tribe woman

georgia / georgiana - [english, feminine variation of george] farmer

ginevra - [italian variation of guinevere or jennifer] white shadow, white wave

grace / gratiana - [english] virtue name

greta / gretchen - [german] pearl

gudrun - [scandinavian] god's rune; secret battle


guinevere / gwenore - [welsh] whit shadow, white wave

gustava - [swedish] staff of gods


hadassah - [hebrew] myrtle tree

hannah - [hebrew] grace

harmony - word name

harriet / hattie - [english, french] estate ruler

hartley - [english] stag meadow

havilah - [biblical place-name] stretch of sand

hazel - [english] the hazelnut tree

heather - english botanical name

hebe - [greek] youth

hedwig / hedvika - [german] war

helena - [latinate form of helen, greek] torch, shining light

heliotrope - botanical name

hersilia - [latin]

honey - word name

honor - [english word and virtue name] honor

hortensia - [latin] of the garden

hope - virtue name


iantha - [greek] purple flower

ida / idalene - [german] industrious one

idony - [norse] love again, renewal

idris - [welsh] lord

ilma - [finnish, hungarian, spanish, or literary quenya] air, starlight

iluminada - [spanish] illuminated

imena / imee - [african, arabic] dream, faith

imogen / imogene / emogene - [celtic] maiden

ines - [italian, portuguese, slovene and croatian variation of agnes] pure, virginal

inessa - [russian variation of ines; spanish from greek] pure, chaste

inez - [spanish variation of agnes] pure, virginal

inga - [norse] guarded by ing

ingeborg - [german and swedish] the help of ing

ingrid - [norse] fair, ing is beautiful

innogen - [celtic] daughter, maiden

ioana / oana - [romanian and bulgarian feminine form of john] god is gracious

iphigenia - [greek] of royal birth

irene - [greek] peace

iris / irisa / irys - [greek] flower name, rainbow

irma / irmine - [german] universal, complete

isabeau- [french variation of isabel] pledged to god

ismene - [greek] knowledgeable

isolde / iseult - [welsh, german] ice ruler

ivria - [hebrew] from the land of Abraham


jacqueline - [french, feminine diminutive of jacques] supplanter

jana - [international feminine variation of jan] god is gracious

jelsa - place-name

jemima - [hebrew] dove

jane - [english] god is gracious

jennet - [old english] god is gracious

jessamy / jessamine - [english] jasmine flower

jewel - word name

jezebel - [hebrew] not exalted

joanna / johanna / johanne / joan - [hebrew] god is gracious

jobeth - [combination of jo and beth]

jocasta - [greek]

jolanthe - [greek] violet flower

josephine / josepha / jozsi / josie / finetta - [french feminine variation of joseph] jehovah increases

josette - [french] jehovah increases

jubalee / jubilee - [hebrew] ram's horn

julia / julianna / juliana / julianne / julyanna - [latin] youthful or sky father

juliet - [english from latin] youthful or sky father

june - [latin] young

juno - [latin] queen of the heavens

junia - [latin] born in june

juniper - [latin] tree name, young

jutta - [hebrew] woman from judea


kaia - [latin, scandinavian, or hawaiian] to rejoice or sea

katrina / katrice - [german variation of katherine]

katya - [russian, diminutive of ekatarina, russian variation of katherine] pure

kendall / kindall - [english] valley of the river Kent

kerensa - [cornish] love

keturah - [hebrew] incense

keziah /cassia - [hebrew] cassia tree

khalida / khalia - [arabic] immortal, everlasting

kirsten / kiersten / kjersti - [scandinavian variation of christine] a christian

kora - [maori, english, greek] maiden


laelia - [latin family name and botanical name] speaking well

lakshmi - [sanskrit] a lucky omen

lana - [english diminutive of alana] rock or handsome

laurelie / lorelai / lorelei - [greek] alluring, temptress

laurenza - [italian, feminine variation of lorenzo, latin] from Laurentum or bay laurel

lavender - [english] purple flower

lavinia / lovina - [latin] from ancient place name lavinium

leda - [greek] happy

leila - [arabic] night

lena - [english, scottish, dutch, german, and scandinavian, diminutive] bright, beautiful

leni - [german, diminutive of lena; spanish, diminutive of elena]

lenity - [english from french] kindness, gentleness; from french lenite

leto - [greek] wife; hidden

leonora / lionora - [italian diminutive of eleonora or eleanor]

leontine / leontyne - [french female form of leontios, greek] lion

leora / leorit - [diminutive of eleanor, or hebrew and greek] light

letitia / laetitia / letja / alaricia - [latin] joy, gladness

levana - [roman, latin] to lift; roman goddes of childbirth

liana - [french] to climb like a vine

ligeia - [greek] clear-voiced, whistling

lila - [arabic, sanskrit] night, play

lilac - [english, from persian] bluish or lilac

lilja - [Icelandic, Faroese, and Finnish variation of Lily] lily

lilita - [latvian]

of the night

lilith - [assyrian, sumerian] ghost, night monster

lillian / lilian - [english from latin] lily; pledged to god

lily / lys - [english flower name] lily

linnea / linea - [norse] lime tree, lime blossom

liv - [norse] life

lizette - [french, diminutive of elizabeth] pledged to god

lorna - [english literary name] from laurentum or bay laurel

lovelace - [english surname] outlaw

lovisa / louisa - [latinate feminine variation of louis] renowned warrior

lowenna - [cornish] joy

lucasta - [english] pure light

lucretia - [latin, female form of lucretius]

lucy / lucia - [english; italian, latin] light

ludmila / lyuka - [slavic] beloved of the people

ludovica - [italian] famous in war

lula - [diminutive of any lu name] renowned warrior

lumiere / lumina - [french] light

lunetta - [latin] moon

lydia - [greek] woman from lydia


maeve - [irish] she who intoxicates

madelief / madeleif - [dutch flower name] daisy

madonna - [latin] my lady

magdalen / magdolina - [english] woman from magdala or high tower

magnolia - [flower name, from french surname] magnol's flower

mahala - [hebrew and arabic] tender

mai - [japanese] coyote

maire - [finnish, irish variation of mary] sweet; drop of the sea, bitter

majken - [scandinavian version of marie or mary]

malin - [scandinavian diminutive of magdalene] high tower; or woman of magdela

manon - [french, diminutive of marie] bitter

manzie - music name

matilda / maude / tilda - [german] battle-mighty

mara - [hebrew] bitter

marcella / marzena - [latin] warlike

marigold - [flower name, from english] golden flower

marilla - [latin] shining sea

maris - [latin] of the sea

margalo - [greek variation of margaret] pearl

margaret / peg / peggy / peig - [greek] pearl

margolette - [literary invention]

margot [french] pearl

marina - [latin] from the sea

marlow / marlowe - [english] driftwood

maryse / marise - [french diminutive of marie] drop of the sea, bitter, or beloved

maura - [anglicized version of maire]

maureen - irish variation of mary

maximillia - [feminine of maximillian] greatest

maxine - [latin] greatest

maya - [greek; central american indian empire name; latinate variation of may; spanish, diminutive of amalia; variation of maia; hebrew] water

meadow - nature name

medora - [greek] mother's gift

meissa - [arabic] shining one

melantha - [greek] dark flower

melisent - [german, variation of millicent] strong and industrious

melody/melodia/meladia - [greek] song

melusine - [french] strong in work

meraud - [cornish] a profit from the sea

meredith / meredyth - [welsh] great ruler

merewen - [old english] sublime delight

mercy - [english word name] compassion

merrow - [english] mermaid

mesa - [spanish] table

michiko / miche - [japanese] the righteous way

mildred - [english] gentle strength

millicent - [german] strong in work

mina - [hindu equivalent of pisces or diminutive of wilhelmina, german] resolute protection

minerva - [latin] of the mind, intellect

minty - [diminutive of aminta and araminta, greek] defender

miriam / mairwen - [hebrew or egyptian] drop of the sea, bitter, or beloved

mitzi / mitzie - [german, dimunitive of maria] bitter

moira - [irish, variation of mary] bitter; beloved; drop of the sea

montana / montanna - [spanish place-name] mountainous

morgance / morganna - [welsh] sea-born, sea-song or sea-circle

morrigan - [irish] phantom queen

morwenna - [welsh] maiden

muriel / murielle - [irish] of the bright sea

musetta - [latin] little muse


nadette - [french version of nadia, russian] hope

najah - [arabic] success

nanette - [french diminutive of anne] grace

naomi / naoma - [hebrew] pleasantness

narcissa - [greek] daffodil

nemea - [greek place name]

nephele - [greek] cloudy

nereida / nerida - [greek] sea nymph

nerissa / rissa - [greek] from the sea

newlyn - [welsh] new pond

niamh - [irish gaelic] bright

nicasia - [latin, female variation of nicasio] victorious

nimue - [celtic mythology] one of the names of the lady of the lake in arthurian legends

nina - [short form of names that end in -nina, russian]

nixie - [german] sea nymph

nizana - [hebrew] a flower bud

noa - [hebrew] motion

noel / noeline - [french] christmas

noelani - [hawai'ian] heavenly mist

noemi - [italian and spanish variation of naomi] my delight

nola / nolah - [gaelic] white shoulder

nolwenn - [welsh] shining, holy

nora / noreen - [diminutive of honora or eleonora, latin] honor

nouvel - [french] new

nuria - [hebrew] fire of the lord


oasis - [egyptian, word name] fertile spot in a desert

octavia - [latin] eighth

odelyn / odele - [english, from greek] song

odessa - [ukrainian] place-name

odette - [french, from german] wealthy

oksana - [russian from hebrew] praise to god

olanda - [italian] holland, netherlands

olive - [english, latin] olive tree

olivia / olivianne / alyvia / alivia - [latin] olive tree

olwen - [welsh] white footprint

olympia - [greek] from mount olympus

ombra - [italian] shadow

omorose - [egyptian] beautiful

ondine - [latin] little wave

opal / opaline - [sanskrit] gem

ophelia - [greek] help

orchid - [from greek] orchid flower

oriana - [latin] dawn

orla - [irish] golden princess

orleanna - literary name

orlice / ora - [latin] prayer

ostara - [old high german] dawn

otthild - [german] prospers in battle

ozara / ozari - [hebrew] treasure, wealth


paloma - [spanish] dove

pamina - [italian] little honey

pandora - [greek] all-gifted

pania - [maori] a mythological sea maiden

pansy / orvokki] - [english flower name from french; finnish] thought

pearl - [latin] gem name

peony - [flower name, latin] healing

persephone - [greek] bringer of destruction

petal - [english from greek] leaf

petra - [greek] rock

petunia - [english] trumpet-shaped flower

phaedra - [greek] bright

philippa / pippa - [greek, feminine variation of philip] lover of horses

philomena - [greek] lover of strength

phoebe - [greek] radiant, shining one

piaf - [french surname] sparrow

pipaluk - [greenlandic] sweet little thing who belongs to me

pipsa - [finnish] strength; exalted one

pilar / pillar - [spanish] pillar

polly - [english variation of molly] drop of the sea, bitter, or beloved

portia - [latin] pig

posey - [english] a bunch of flowers

primavera - [italian] spring

primrose - [english] first rose

primula - [latin] first rose

prudence / prue - [english] virtue name


rain - word name

ravenna - [italian place-name]

raziah / razia / raz / raziela - [hebrew, aramaic] the lord's secret

regina - [ltin] queeen

renata - [latin] reborn

renee - [french from latin] reborn

reuelle / ruelle - [hebrew] friend of god

rhea / rhya - [greek mythology name] a flowing stream

rhiannon - [welsh] divine queen

rhonwen - [welsh] slender, fair

rialta - [italian] deep brook

rieka / rica - [scandinavian]

rimona - [hebrew] pomegranate

rohana - [sanskrit] sandalwood

roisin - [irish] little rose

roma - [italian place-name] a roman

romilly - [english] citizen of rome

romy - [diminutive of rosemary, roma, romana, romilly etc.] a roman

ronja - [swedish literary name]

rosalie - [french variation of latin rosalia] rose

rosalind / rosaline - [latin] supple horse or pretty rose

rosamond / rosamund - [german] horse protection

rosemary - [latin or english] dew of the sea, or rosemary (herb)

roxanne / ruksana / ruksane / ruksanna - [persian] dawn

ruby - [latin] deep red precious stone

rue - [botanical names or word name] herb; regret

runa - [norwegian, danish, swedish, japanese] secret lore, moon

rusalka - [slavic mythological name]

ruth - [hebrew] compassionate friend

ruzenka - [latin] rose


sabine / sabina - [latin] sabine

sadie - [dimunitive of sarah] princess

saga - [swedish word name] story; seeress

salome / salomea - [hebrew] peace

samiya / samiah - [arabuc] high, exalted, praised

saoirse - [irish] liberty

saskia - [dutch] saxon

scarlett - [english] scarlet, red

scotia - [latin] scotland

selah - [hebrew] praise, pause

selene - [greek] moon goddess

selma - [german] godly helmet

seraphina - [hebrew] ardent, fiery

serena - [latin] tranquil, serene

shannah / shana / shaina - [hebrew] beautiful

shirin - [persian] charming, sweet

shirley - [english] bright meadow

shona / shonah - [scottish gaelic] god is gracious

shoshana / shoshanna - [hebrew] lily

skylin - [dutch] scholar

sian - [welsh] god's gracious gift

sidone / sidonie / sydonah - [latin] from sidon

signy - [scandinavian] new victory

sigourney - [french] daring king

sigrid - [norse] fair victory

simone - [french] hearkening


siobhan - [irish gaelic] god is gracious

sirena - [greek] entangler

sloan / sloane - [irish] raider

solana / solina - [spanish] sunshine

solange - [french] solemn

soleil - [french] sun

sonia / sonya - [russian and scandinavian variation of sophia] wisdom

sophia / sofia / sophie / sofi - [greek; french variation; armenian variation] wisdom

stasiya / nastya - [greek] resurrection

stella - [latin] star

stellamaris - [latin] star of the sea

summer - word name

sunday - [day name, english from latin] day of the sun

sunniva - [scandinavian] sun gift

sunny - english nickname

sunshine - word name

sylvania / sylvana - [latin] from the forest

sylvia / sylvie - [latin, french] from the forest


tabitha - [aramaic] gazelle

talia - [hebrew, australian aboriginal] gentle dew from heaven; by the water

tallulah - [choctaw, irish] leaping water, lady of abundance

tamar - [hebrew] date palm tree

tamora - innocent, honest

tammy - [english, diminutive of tamara] date palm tree

tamsin / thomasina / thomasine - [english] twin

tanith / tannis - [phoenician] serpent lady

tanvi - [sanskrit] the epitome of femininity

tanwen - [welsh] holy fire

tarian - [welsh] shield

tatiana - [russian from latin family name]

tauria - [latin place name]

teleri - [welsh]

terra - [latin] earth

thadine - [aramaic] gift of god

thais - [greek] beloved, bandage

thalassa - [greek] the sea

thalia - [greek] to flourish

thea - [greek] goddess, godly

thelma - [english] literary name

themis - [greek] law of nature, divine law

theodora / feodosia / theodosia / theda - [feminine variation of theodore] gift of god


thisbe - [greek mythological name]

tiana - [slavic] fairy queen

tillie - [english, diminutive of matilda] battle mighty

toril - [norse] thunder

toula - [greek, feminization of fotis or fotios] light

tova - [hebrew] good, pleasing

tove / tuva - [scandinavian] beautiful

trixie - [diminutive of beatrix, latin] she who brings happiness

tullia - [feminine form of roman family name tullius, meaning unknown] mountain peak, a libra, or to be tranquil

tula - [choctaw, hindi, or kiswahili] mountain peak; libra; to be tranquil

tulip - [flower name, from persian] turban

turia - [latin]

twila / twyla - [english] woven with a double thread

tyla - [lithuanian] silence, calm, peace

tyra - [scandinavian, feminine variation of tyr, an ancient indo-european god] thunder goddess


valencia - [spanish] brave, strong

valeska - [slavic] strong

vanetta - [literary invention; also a species of butterfly]

vasilia - [feminine form of basil, greek] royal

vavka - [russian, greek, and czech variation of barbara]

velvet - [english word name] a fabric characterized by a short soft dense warp pile

venus - [latin] love, desire

verona - [italian place-name] she who brings victory; true image

victoria - [latin] victory

vigdis - [norwegian] war goddess

vina - [spanish] vineyard

violet - [english from latin] purple

violante - [greek and latin] purple flower

vivian / viviana - [latin] life

viviette - [french variation of vivian] life


whitelea / whitley - [english] white meadow

wildrose - [english] wild rose

willa - [feminine variation of william] resolute protection

willow - [english] nature name

wilhelmina / wylma / wilma / billie - [german, feminine variation of wilhelm] resolute protection

winifred - [welsh] blessed peacemaking

winona / wynonna - [sioux indian] firstborn daughter

winslow - [english] friend's hill or burial mound

winter - word name

wisteria - [flower name, from english surname] wister's flower

wysandria - [diminutive of alessandra, italian from greek] defending men


xanthe - [greek] golden, yellow


yadyra / yadira - [spanish]

yana - [slavic variation of jana]

ynes - [greek, variation of agnes] pure, virginal


yseult - [french variation of iseult, celtic] fair-skinned, light

yula - [english word name] month name

yvonne - [french] yew wood


zagora - [north african place-name; also swahili]

zaltana - [native american] high mountain

zara - [hebrew and arabic] blooming flower; god remembers

zazie - [french]

zelina - [greek] zealous

zennor - [cornish place-name]

zenovia - [russian form of zenobia, greek] force of zeus

zivka / zivanka - [slavic] full of life

zoe / zoeline - [greek] life

zorya - [slavic] star

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