SPIDER SILK (2111 - 2113)

70 or so years after the great Tragedy With A Capital T, in 2111, zahra onstie, a twentysomething elementary school teacher in training in capital city, gammeda, is sent by her emotionally distant husband to supervise their second house being built in newly discovered livable lands - but with how dangerous the journey through enemy territory is, he sends her with two mostly-trained bodyguards, peony and murman. everything goes off the rails pretty quickly when murman is killed and both peony and zahra are captured, and, later, manage to escape - in a place neither of them know, in the middle of unidentified forests, they have only each other to rely on - no matter what. no matter who.

KEY CHARACTERS: zahra onstie, peony rodgecastle, nell klayjton, kemma.

DULCEVINO (2113 - 2115)

KEY CHARACTERS: zahra onstie, peony rodgecastle, kemma, avni luntz, eddie pamierou/valeska o'hagan

HARVESTER (2115 - 2121/2124)

when the dust settles after the mt. breslau explosion, everyone finds themselves separated. zahra returns to capital city to ask for forgiveness and takeback by her husband; nell and noema travel to fort herlihy to clean up their lives; kemma stumbles around, hanging somewhere between teen- and adulthood, and peony puts herself all into surviving, but, soon enough, she finds herself falling for someone else again.

the timeline splits here, following three branches of the group for the next four years - zahra (CAPITAL CITY line), peony & kemma (OBERCASTLE line) with its subline PATRON concerning the other way bearers introduced around in person at this time, and nell & noema (NORTH line) with their mock-sitcomy "college" experience in fort herlihy.

CAPITAL CITY (2115 - 2124) is zahra's story after she arrives back in the capital; she finds out that she's been declared dead in absentia, and zymikael has remarried to laura fantasque - a younger, meeker version of zahra. they have also been able to have a child - 1 1/2-year-old, by the time of zahra's return, hazaiah onstie. zahra is allowed to move back in with them, as zymikael's first wife - but not without strict rules and conditions, and "re-conditioning" her.

KEY CHARACTERS: zahra onstie, zymikael onstie, laura onstie, hazaiah onstie.

OBERCASTLE (2115 - 2121) focuses on the most peaceful part of this era - the life in peony and her partner - edward oberhozler's - home, off the beaten track in january county, affectionately named obercastle or obercasa. the two of them live there full-time alongside valeska and avni, with kemma bouncing around. chantilly and annora layjton, nell & noema's first child two children are born during this era :) ! chant was born in port dragon-hauck, and annora was born in the woods behind obercastle. harleigh appears at the end, having been hiding out in the forests around river syke since gadleville burned, terrified of her powers, but with valeska's help she begins to tentatively come out of her shell, and into obercasa.

KEY CHARACTERS: peony rodgecastle, edward oberhozler, valeska o'hagan, kemma, avni luntz, harleigh santos

other characters: chantilly klayjton,


KEY CHARACTERS: kemma, harleigh santos, krelis, valeska o'hagan

other characters: paloma santos, amsterdam (only in flashbacks/memories, no spirit!), mies o'hagan


post-war of whiskers. klayjtons, rodgecastle-oberhozlers and the younger generation minus harleigh, settle in dogwood, just off the great landslide.

KEY CHARACTERS: kemma, avni luntz, erin bellivau, paloma santos

other characters: chantilly klayjton, kadir klayjton, delphi klayjton, femke klayjton, annora klayjton; reverie luntz - bellivau and skyrrah peters ; peony rodgecastle, ed oberhozler, zakie robillard



stories from before peony's birth - pre-2075, into the gritty parts of the early apocalypse. milagros' ancestors - lucy gianna and jj, her siblings sunny and j-matt, meemaw kendra van der akker, and the apocalypse beginning. andi's survival, hailing from arkansas, merrilee.


stories, mostly of peony's childhood in the orphanage ; it ends around 2110, right before spider silk begins.

KEY CHARACTERS: peony rodgecastle, raven elsie ; zahra robillard,